918-341-2000 Contact Us
207 E Graham Ave Suite C, Pryor, OK 74361 | 1410 N Florence Ave, Claremore, OK 74017

If you are wondering what exactly Botox Filler Pryor is or maybe want more information about stress resolution then come in and see the experts here at a new image medical spa for functional and integrative medical services as well as cosmetic procedures. That usually was stress resolution that is actually a major cause of a lot of aging. You’re worrying too much you’re not getting enough sleep you’re not drinking after not eating enough that can actually contribute to making you feel older and also contributing to illnesses. So we want make sure that were able to do all the canned when I get resolution to identify the patterns that are causing you to feel weak to affect your cardiovascular system and also your hormones.

The Botox Filler Pryor will do all they can to make sure that they are able to address your responses as well as even address your sexual enhancement. Because usually to stress that usually affects your sexual function as well as making sure they are able to at least have a way to be able to enhance your relationships and also increase your lifespan without having to worry about every little thing. So stress can definitely have a major effect on a lot of things in your body. So ask us about what we can do to make sure that we able to help you do that as well as help you through your sleep hygiene and even supplying you with supplements and nutraceuticals rather than immediately going to prescription drugs.

The Botox Filler Pryor is a provider of the supplements and and nutraceuticals. These are vitamins, minerals and also IV hydration. It’s actually can help you with your cell support and also just get something that’s catered to you. And also if you’re dealing with the embarrassing urinary incontinence let us know and we can actually come up with a hormone replacement therapy and even an amino stem cell injection. Course if you want to be able to refer for this to Dr. to see if it’s safe for you or at least talk to it at pelvic floor therapist to go over exactly what you could to to strengthen those muscles let us now.

Happy to help in any way to the can and we obviously want to make sure that it’s also going to be a great investment. Because we want be able to accelerate your healing and slow down the aging process. And obviously it’s not just about wrinkles it’s about the cardiovascular system and that definitely affects so much more. Now usually if you’re having trouble sleeping and you need to be able to at least know what you could do to help that been just think about if the better sleep you have the better it is to actually slow down the aging process and actually increase your likelihood of not being sick so often.

So if you’re looking for natural and non-habit-forming sleep services and reach out to a new image medical spa. Were happy to help in any way that we can. Call (918) 341-2000 or go to www.anewimageok.com now.

Botox Filler Pryor | Hydration and Water Therapy

The Botox Filler Pryor provided by the name of a new image medical spa more about their hydration and water therapy. Usually we want to be able to educate people first to know exactly what should be happening in their body and house their body should actually be functioning both inside and out. Now a lot of times as you get older and sometimes you feel that you just don’t get enough water in the day or maybe you just come to forget about how much water you need pictures solely focused on tricking other types of beverages. But what you should know is that a human body of an adult is usually composed of about 55 to 60% water. The better hydrated your body it is a better function you’re gonna get.

The Botox Filler Pryor has everything you need. We obviously want make sure that through IV hydration or nutraceuticals like vitamins and minerals able to actually get extra hydration if you’re not actually drinking water. Now not only is it healthier but it also connects the clans and the therapy on the outside can be beneficial to preserve your skin as well as help you avoid any further medical treatment of cosmetic treatment. But obviously we want to be able to write you the benefits to actually preserve your investment.

The Botox Filler Pryor service provider has definitely taken great links to provide people whatever it is they need to make sure that they are able to age better rather than having to fall immediately into doing facelifts are coming tux. Obviously doesn’t great procedures and they can work but we were make sure that we would take a step further to where people can actually have enhancement or better health and better function of their body and at least able to have some education on how to be able to continue to make sure that their body can be in peak condition for as long as possible.

If you have questions about sexual enhancement, or prolotherapy or sleep hygiene contact a new image today and will be able to actually conduct a functional and integrative medicine consultation to go over our experience as well as expertise so that you know that we are definitely ones who can help you in any of these areas. Of course there so much more to a new image medical spa and we want to be able to share that with you. So if you have any questions please do not be shy. For all your specific needs please contact us and we be more than happy to answer any questions that you have.

Call (918) 341-2000 or go to www.anewimageok.com not to learn more about their functional and integrative medicines as was our cosmetic procedures. We have a laundry list of services and we want to make sure that your getting all your questions answered about as many as you want.